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In 2006, Emily Sasser graduated from high school. Her developmental delays prevented her from attending college, driving, getting a job, or even calling her friends. Realizing she was losing touch with her friends and not able to continue learning, her parents called her friends and started meeting for movies, dinner, and other social activities. The family realized Emily was not the only graduate that is faced with the question, "What now?"


Students in the special education departments are required to graduate at the age of 21, if not earlier, and every year there are more special young adults that need to continue developing their skills.


C.A.M.P. University was established in 2007 to provide worthwhile activities for high school graduates that have been in special education.


In 2008 C.A.M.P. University became a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Since then, the number of participants has continued to increase, and the variety of activities has continued to expand, allowing us to reach more young adults with special needs and their families.


In 2009 The First Christian Church in McAllen gave us a home. They gave us the use of their youth room, and as we grew, they gave us additional space to use. In 2014 we moved into the east building of Harvey Drive Church of Christ. They also allowed us to use their gym for large events and for Special Olympics training.

We are now in our very own facility. Located on the corner of Main and Nolana in McAllen, Texas. We are directly behind Central Christian Church. It's a wonderful location that will allow us to grow as needed for years to come. Come by for an in-depth tour or take a virtual tour.  


We are very grateful for the opportunities people have provided for us through the years and for their kindness shown to our CAMPers.

special education graduation

Emily's High School Graduation

The original CAMPers

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© 2022 by C.A.M.P. University.

We are a 501(c)3.  EIN 26-0811975


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